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kcchief19 03-12-2009 11:42 PM

Well, I'm not as frakked as I feared but I'm frakked in a couple of key ways. I needed a TE and a MLB and didn't land any of the ones I'm chasing so I'm going to get scrub walkons at both spots. I only have one TE on my roster. I desperately needed more bodies at FB, HB, WR and TE and only landed two WRs, which gives me the roster minimum there. But it also means I can't move a WR to another spot.

Defense isn't horrible but the fact that I couldn't sign a MLB means I'll get a scrub walk-on there. I only got 16 guys signed and I really needed to sign at least 20 due to graduation, the draft and transfers.

Personally, I'd vote for a reboot but I'll go with the majority. I'm not a whiny little pussy. :)

kcchief19 03-12-2009 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Karlifornia (Post 1966027)
Sun, allow me first to congratulate you, and then also present you with your 2009 Recruiting National Championship Ring:

If we don't reboot, these rings will be as valuable as Tampa Bay Rays 2009 World Series championship rings. Stanford finished with the third ranked recruiting class.

SirFozzie 03-12-2009 11:56 PM

I'd say roll on.

bhlloy 03-13-2009 12:04 AM

I wondered why we skipped a few stages when I logged in tonight. Being cynical, I know know a couple of guys I will drop like hot cakes now I have seen their "true" ratings if we roll back.

I vote we move on, unless somebody really got screwed. I missed on some MLB's I was after, but that spot is notoriously hard to fill anyway. Most of the guys (all the guys?) I was leading for ended up on my roster.

bhlloy 03-13-2009 12:06 AM

DOLA - I'm going to Vegas in the morning and won't be back until Sunday night. If we do roll back, please please please give me until Sunday night PST to complete my weeks recruiting. I figured I would be OK with a Thursday - Saturday - Monday schedule, obviously that is going to change with a potential Friday - Sunday - Tuesday schedule.

Eaglesfan27 03-13-2009 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by bhlloy (Post 1967691)
DOLA - I'm going to Vegas in the morning and won't be back until Sunday night. If we do roll back, please please please give me until Sunday night PST to complete my weeks recruiting. I figured I would be OK with a Thursday - Saturday - Monday schedule, obviously that is going to change with a potential Friday - Sunday - Tuesday schedule.

Absolutely. I feel terrible about this. I have a bad feeling that there are two different advance buttons during recruiting, one for advancing to the next week and one for advancing to the end of the "stage" which is the end of recruiting and that I hit the wrong one.

If we decide to roll back, I'll definitely give an extra day or two. Right now, the latest file I have would set us back to right when offseason recruiting began - i.e. week 1. If we do decide to roll back, I'm hoping someone (Sun Tzu?) has a more recent file.

BigDPW 03-13-2009 07:43 AM

I would prefer to rollback. I haven't looked to see who I signed yet but had a couple of 4 stars left on my board that I was nearing closing on and had added a few key 3 star late addition people to my board to fill som gaps.

Let me know what the plan is. I will check who I signed when I get home.

Sun Tzu 03-13-2009 08:24 AM

Ok...well so far here is the Tally.

Move on - 4
Roll Back - 2

I'm pretty sure I jumped on immediately after EF advanced to week 3 to get in my last I definitely have the file on my 360...and if the final vote is to rollback then we could do so. My only qualms with rolling back are #1 there weren't any difference makers left on the board anyway. If you were aiming for a 2* MLB or FB (I know I was), and you missed on him, it's not going to be the difference between a conference championship and playing in the las vegas bowl. #2 is we would once again lose all of our coach ratings and all that jazz. The less amount of times we rollback just in general the better.

That being said, if the final vote does result in us rolling back, I'm perfectly fine with doing that too. Just let me know...I should be in and out pretty much all weekend.

*updated to WVUFAN's post*

WVUFAN 03-13-2009 08:55 AM

I vote to move on.

Eaglesfan27 03-13-2009 11:44 AM

Because this is an important issue for some teams and because I'm now thinking this was my F-up and not the games, I'm not requiring a majority to roll back. I also have 1 PM requesting a roll back. If 1 more person tells me they want to roll back, I think we should do so.

I do tend to agree with Sun Tzu in that every offseason I've participated in during my offline dynasty, every 4 star signs by the 3rd stage of the offseason and it seems almost if not every 3 star does as well, so if you were going to get them, you would have even with the gaffe.

kcchief19 03-13-2009 02:55 PM

I'm more torn on this today than I was last night. I think the thing that is most damaging to my team recruiting wise is that I'm looking at having walk-ons at No. 2 on the depth chart at three different positions due to a lack of bodies. Could I have signed a 3-star or 2-star TE, MLB, FB and WRs in weeks four or five? I don't know. I know in my offline dynasties I'm usually still recruiting 3-stars and some 4-stars in weeks 4-5.

Then again, rolling back means another delaying and further screwing up the coach ratings. Part of me is fine with the roll back because the last time we rolled the dice I got hammered on coach ratings. Recruits think I'm a loser about to be fired. If we reboot, my coach ratings can only go up. Then again, I've kept my promises so I have one of the highest integrity ratings in the league.

Classic rock and a hard place. I'll stick with my original vote to go back a step (I have week 3 saved on my 360) unless I'm the only one.

Sun Tzu 03-13-2009 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by kcchief19 (Post 1968189)
Classic rock and a hard place.

I love classic rock...but I'm much more Pink Floyd than Steve Miller Band. That no talent hack.

Karlifornia 03-13-2009 06:58 PM

don't roll back....

Karlifornia 03-13-2009 07:16 PM

but..I don't care much either way. If one person feels affected, then we should go back.

BigDPW 03-13-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Sun Tzu (Post 1967805)
Ok...well so far here is the Tally.

Move on - 4
Roll Back - 2

I'm pretty sure I jumped on immediately after EF advanced to week 3 to get in my last I definitely have the file on my 360...and if the final vote is to rollback then we could do so. My only qualms with rolling back are #1 there weren't any difference makers left on the board anyway. If you were aiming for a 2* MLB or FB (I know I was), and you missed on him, it's not going to be the difference between a conference championship and playing in the las vegas bowl. #2 is we would once again lose all of our coach ratings and all that jazz. The less amount of times we rollback just in general the better.

That being said, if the final vote does result in us rolling back, I'm perfectly fine with doing that too. Just let me know...I should be in and out pretty much all weekend.

*updated to WVUFAN's post*

Not busting balls here but there were still important 3 and 4 star guys left on my board that I needed to seal the deal on. I have not had a chance to look I who I got so I don't really know how this will affect those guys.

For a team like mine there are a few guys left that could make big impacts. I recognize that the NC contenders and recruting gurus have already locked in their amazing classes but I am still trying to fill out a big class for my school.

I won't be bent if we go ahead but I think it is reasonable to roll back and that would be my preference?

Sun Tzu 03-13-2009 08:16 PM

Regarding the 2* guys being the only ones left I was just taking from EF's post. If there were still a good deal of 3* or even 4* guys left then we should roll back, as I would be upset if I missed out on a couple potential game breakers. First I think everybody (but those who were happy with their class by the time week 3 rolled around anyway) should check to see if they missed out on their guys first. If it seriously affected anybody in an negative way then we should roll back.

As a side note, something simliar happened in the RFL, and we continued playing on...though I'm not sure I remember what week it happened during/after.

Eaglesfan27 03-13-2009 08:43 PM

Ok. Let's roll back. Sorry about messing this up. Sun Tzu, if you can send me the file again, I'll get it going either tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest.

kingnebwsu 03-13-2009 08:43 PM

Please roll back...I had some very important guys left for me to sign. I'm not going to do anything in the current build I guess. Keep us posted EF27.

Eaglesfan27 03-13-2009 08:44 PM

When it happened in the RFL, I believe it was just the last week of offseason recruiting that was missed.

Sun Tzu 03-13-2009 08:47 PM

Ok well...EF I'm gunna go for a quick run. Let me know if you need me to run the same drill as last time.

Eaglesfan27 03-13-2009 08:48 PM

Just sent you a PM. That worked well for the roll back when the game screwed us before, so if you can do that again, I'd appreciate it. I'll be up for another 2 hours or so. If it is after that, I'll get us back up tomorrow morning.

Everyone should keep an eye out for the new invites either tonight or tomorrow.

Sun Tzu 03-13-2009 08:56 PM

Done and done EF. Going on my run now. Let me know if you get the invite. I'll be back in about 30-40 mins in time to play my RFL game against Pumpus.

Eaglesfan27 03-13-2009 09:34 PM

Invites sent as follows:

SirFozzie2 - Texas A&M
BigDPW - NC State
Karlifornia - Virginia
The Worm II - Mississippi State
WVUFan1971 - Arkansas
Raiders Army - Oklahoma State
KingNeb - Kentucky
mderrick - Colorado
Ironhead34 - Boston College
bhlloy33 - Oregon State
Katsumura - Stanford

Let me know if you didn't get your invite. If all goes to plan, we will resume week 3 with the deadline being Monday night at 10 PM.

Eaglesfan27 03-13-2009 09:37 PM

Dola -

For those that are interested, apparently the advance button is for past week 3 if you enter the dynasty headquarter one way and it is "the next part of the offseason" if you enter another. I guess I entered the wrong way and didn't pay enough attention. If you just hit start while in the recruiting screen, it gives you two options to either advance past week 3 or advance to the next part of the offseason. I'll just do that in the future.

Sun Tzu 03-13-2009 11:14 PM

Thanks EF...accepted and done recruiting for the week.

Raiders Army 03-14-2009 06:34 AM


I did my position changes yesterday. I thought we had skipped a stage, but wasn't sure.

I logged in this morning and it said that the commish retired the dynasty. Glad I checked the thread to see that it's still going. :)

BigDPW 03-14-2009 08:13 AM

Thanks EF. Will get it done soon.

Raiders Army 03-15-2009 09:53 AM

Done. Just so you guys know, I will be away on travel from late Tuesday morning to Thursday evening.

kcchief19 03-15-2009 11:19 AM

I've been busy and haven't jumped on to do recruiting yet. I will do my recruiting early this afternoon.

BigDPW 03-15-2009 11:55 AM

FYI - I am having modem/router issues at home and Bellsouth is sending me a new modem. I think the modem is broken. And I have f'ed up my router in trying to figure out what was going on to the point I can only occasionally get my desktop to connect to the internet directly through the modem but can't seem to get the router and modem to work together so I can play on XBL. I got me recruiting done yesterday before the final blowup of all this stuff so I should be good until the next advance date but if you don't see/here from me then it will probably be due to this. I will keep you informed from work if I have continued connectivity issues at home.

bhlloy 03-15-2009 10:37 PM

I just got back from Vegas, but I have had 2 hours sleep in the last 2 days and I'm not waiting around for my wife to finish watching 3 hours of shows so I can have the TV :)

I'm glad we decided to roll back the more I think about it.... I'll get mine done tomorrow evening.

kingnebwsu 03-16-2009 01:15 AM

I just finished mine. Apparently we have 5 people left (though I think Stanford may be done). Good luck everyone! :)

Eaglesfan27 03-16-2009 04:43 PM

Hmm. I just read about a very serious recruiting glitch over on OS. Hopefully, we are all being honest and not abusing it. It's something you have to intentionally try to do and is apparently somewhat well known among serious players, but this was the first I've heard of it.

Sun Tzu 03-16-2009 04:45 PM

I think I've heard that there is a glitch, but I think we're all good at the honor system here. I don't actually know what the glitch is, but I know that there is one out there.

Karlifornia 03-16-2009 05:33 PM

I had never heard of this glitch until you mentioned it. I trust everyone.

kingnebwsu 03-16-2009 09:18 PM

There are many glitches and ways to circumvent the game (I know I've thought of a few in my time with the game). As you can see by my recruiting classes (hooray for 3-star players everywhere!), I don't use any glitches.

Hopefully they fix any exploits for next year's version...but knowing EA that's doubtful.

Good luck to everyone in their legal recruiting :)

Eaglesfan27 03-16-2009 10:39 PM

We are now in week 4 of offseason recruiting. Deadline is 3/18/09 at 10PM.

Raiders Army 03-17-2009 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 (Post 1970128)
Hmm. I just read about a very serious recruiting glitch over on OS. Hopefully, we are all being honest and not abusing it. It's something you have to intentionally try to do and is apparently somewhat well known among serious players, but this was the first I've heard of it.

I wish I heard of this glitch! My recruiting sucks!

Seriously though, I wouldn't use it. You can tell by my recruiting over the past two years (and next year!).

kcchief19 03-17-2009 09:38 PM

I'm aware of some glitches but not sure which one this is in reference to. I sure hope it doesn't go on in our leagues.

BigDPW 03-18-2009 07:32 AM

I got my recruiting done last night.

I am only aware of one glitch that was in last years game and thought they have cleaned it up but have never heard of any glitch in this years game.

I too hope that we are all honest enough not to glitch on one another.

Eaglesfan27 03-18-2009 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by kcchief19 (Post 1971286)
I'm aware of some glitches but not sure which one this is in reference to. I sure hope it doesn't go on in our leagues.

No reason to not say since it is easily read on OS. You can apparently invite guys to visit in a week, drop them from your recruiting board, re-add them to the board, and then invite them to visit again in future weeks again to get a big recruiting boost and make them much more likely to come to your school. I also hope no one would be doing this. The only way to watch for it is to make sure a guy isn't visiting a school multiple times throughout the season. Hopefully, no one in this league would take advantage of that.

kingnebwsu 03-18-2009 09:19 PM

Wow, that's pretty crazy. That's one I haven't thought/heard of. Wild. Hopefully nobody is doing it.

It's about time to advance to the final week, eh? :)

Eaglesfan27 03-18-2009 10:27 PM

We've advanced to the final week of offseason recruiting. Deadline to be sure to be included is 10PM, but there is a good chance that I'm going out Friday night with a few friends to watch some tourney games at their house. I'll advance whenever I get home if that is the case.

Raiders Army 03-18-2009 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 (Post 1971509)
No reason to not say since it is easily read on OS. You can apparently invite guys to visit in a week, drop them from your recruiting board, re-add them to the board, and then invite them to visit again in future weeks again to get a big recruiting boost and make them much more likely to come to your school. I also hope no one would be doing this. The only way to watch for it is to make sure a guy isn't visiting a school multiple times throughout the season. Hopefully, no one in this league would take advantage of that.

I mentioned something like this in August, but hadn't tracked the progress of the fix:
Front Office Football Central - View Single Post - NOFL Recruiting Thread

Sun Tzu 03-19-2009 08:01 PM


EF, can you re-invite me to take over as Stanford. I retired from the wrong Dynasty.

DeToxRox 03-19-2009 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sun Tzu (Post 1973099)

EF, can you re-invite me to take over as Stanford. I retired from the wrong Dynasty.


kingnebwsu 03-19-2009 08:45 PM

Epic fail :p

Sun Tzu 03-20-2009 08:18 AM

must. fight. urge. to. post. carrot. top.

Eaglesfan27 03-20-2009 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Sun Tzu (Post 1973099)

EF, can you re-invite me to take over as Stanford. I retired from the wrong Dynasty.

I won't be able to for a few more hours, but will do so as soon as possible. Did you do your recruiting this week, yet?

Eaglesfan27 03-20-2009 11:08 PM

Recruiting is done! Everyone has until tomorrow evening to view the final class rankings and recruiting board. If people all let me know they are done earlier, we'll advance earlier.

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