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Old 06-29-2006, 10:30 PM   #28
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA
re: TNA Impact 6/29

See, it's not impossible to have storylines that make sense. The whole Sting/Cage sub-plot makes sense in the context that it's being presented in. And Cage's acting is actually selling the storyline. Okay, it's not Oscar-worthy stuff but it does enhance the plot, his facial expressions & body language match the story that's being told. And that's how it's supposed to work.

Meanwhile, they've done what had to be done by getting the X Division Title back in play and TAFKA Lo-Ki is the right man to carry the belt for a while.

Of course, nothing is without problems. The LAX storyline needs to be dropped muy pronto. I'm also not happy that Diamonds in the Rough have basically been told they aren't needed for the rest of the summer (although I'm mostly unhappy about that because I know David Young a little bit & think he's a helluva good guy and one of the best sellers on the roster). They also still have to produce the only satisfactory ending to the Nash-Sabin feud and since Nash reportedly has complete creative control of his storylines I'm not going to relax until Sabin pins him clean.

And I like the Eric Young comedy bits, it's good usage of him at the moment & plays well into the impending dissolution of Team Canada.

It's a shame TNA's best mix of compelling character/awesome wrestler Homicide is relegated to a stupid racisim angle. The guy can go hardcore and wrestle. Imagine New Jack with talent and not so pyscho. A Homicide/Low Ki(Senshi) feud would be awesome, but it won't happen.
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