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Old 01-18-2007, 11:29 AM   #103
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Hog Country
I agree with the sentiments that the show bordered (or was over the line) on cruel last night. The worst was the larger guy after the guy with the big eyes. I'm sorry I don't remember his name. I didn't get the feeling he knew what he was getting in to. I also would not be surprised if there was a group of people that talked them into trying out, knowing what would probably happen. For the show to capitalize on that nonsense is pretty low. I have enjoyed the bad singers in the past, but I think they should do fewer of those and more of the borderline ones and the ones that make it. When 90% of the show is the failed auditions and the other 10% is one or two that made it, followed by a brief glimpse of some others that made it walking out of the room with their yellow tickets, I think we need to rethink things.
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