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Old 03-03-2007, 10:38 AM   #89
Join Date: Oct 2000
I started a sim last night at about 11PM and opened it up at about 7:30 my time. The league was in 2054. (I started at 2007)

Not a bad clip IMHO.

Just make sure you turn off all reporting and picture gens and it flies at a pretty good clip. (I actually had some almanac functions on, I"m going to try another run today with none of those on)

I noticed a couple of troublesome things, but I need to run again because I stupidly deleted the test league. (yes, I'm an idiot)

The career HR leader hit 853. He was a monster, who won 6 MVP awards and slugged over 40 HR 10 consecutive years. (career high was 58)

As a 25 year old, with 2x 40HR seasons already under his belt, he was shipped, along with 3 million dollars for a 31 year old SP. The pitcher was solid, but we aren't talking Pedro Martinez or Greg Maddux solid. If I had to use real a real world example it'd be like if the Cardinals traded King Albert for Bronson Arroyo.

Even in your example above, Eaglesfan27, there is no way a guy who hit 50HR for six straight years gets dealt for a 35 year old pitcher. I don't care how Penny finished the year out. This isn't like the Tigers trading an unproven Smoltz for an aging Alexander. This is a proven MVP candidate being shipped for an aging third starter.

Still, this is very much an improved game. The waivers work better, the player development seems to be solid and it flies when you set it up right.

I need to run a 75 to 100 year test league and sift through the stuff so I can get examples for Markus and post them to the correct forum.

It's early. . . but as of now, this went from a "maybe" to an "automatic" purchase. I have four days to change my mind.
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