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Old 06-12-2007, 12:47 PM   #321
Join Date: Sep 2003
Originally Posted by John Galt View Post
You might want to read this article about and interview with Chase (especially the last paragraph on page 4):

"Not from Chase, but I feel the need to debunk the e-mail that's making the rounds about all the Holsten's patrons being characters from earlier in the series. The actor playing Members Only guy had never been on the show; Tony killed at least one, if not both, of his carjackers; and there are about 17 other things wrong with this popular but incorrect theory."

The reason I'm still not buying the Tony is dead theory is that wouldn't the last thing we saw be Meadow instead of Tony? If we were watching Tony's last moments, wouldn't we see his daughter charging in? It just makes more sense from a director's perspective since that whole scene was really from Tony's view. Why then do we just he his face at the end?

The Tony is dead theory is plausible, but still inclined to believe that things are intentionally ambiguous.

We see Meadow running into the place. At the moment where she would be opening the door to come in, it switches to Tony and we hear the bell ring as if someone has opened the door, Tony looks up for half a second, then black.
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