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Old 05-27-2009, 06:20 AM   #284
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Y The Last Man was a fantastic graphic novel, IMHO. Another good one, but older is Preacher. It's got a lot of sex and violence, but the story is actually really good.

I'll have to track down the I Am Legend graphic novel. I've heard great things about the book so I hope the graphic novel does it justice.

Someone recently suggested Walking Dead to me as well. Haven't read it yet, but it's on my to do list.

Watchmen was good, but dated. It was definitely a graphic novel that was ahead of it's time. I occassionally go back and read some of my older comics and most are almost unreadable anymore. I still love them, but they don't have nearly the quality of storylines that today's do. Reading Watchmen I kept thinking to myself that you could slap some new artwork on it and you wouldn't even know that it was written over 20 years ago.

Originally Posted by mrsimperless View Post
I just went on a comic / graphic novel splurge and have started reading some things I've wanted to that were recommended here or by some friends. The idea was to try the first issues out of a few things to find something I like. I've read them in the following order so far:

Walking Dead - I've just read the first issue of the TP. Very good and I will be continuing, but the store near me doesn't have the second so I need ot look elsewhere.

I am legend - Loved this one. I had never seen the movie or read the book.

Y The last man - I have one more chapter in the third TP and am pretty well hooked on it. Again, the store didn't have the fourth TP, so I need to go find it.

I still have left to read:

Watchmen (next)
Naeil Gaiman's The Sandman (I am a fan of Gaiman, but for some reason wasn't as excited to get into this as much as the two above.)

All in all these have been great and I'm glad I dove in. I'm sure I'm experiencing the top echelon of quality here, but it's an underrated and misunderstood medium by the masses.
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