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Old 07-17-2009, 05:26 PM   #840
Pro Starter
Join Date: Feb 2004
Sweet, I can finally post in this thread now! I've been a pretty hardcore MMA fan since I got newsgroup access last August. Watch every major show the day after it happens, including the Japanese promotions. Recently, someone upped the first 99 UFC shows, so I've got that to look forward to as I've seen nothing but little bits here and there before UFC 83.

The biggest problem with Henderson's late blow is the stupid stuff he said after it. It was classless and proves that he isn't all that bright. We've all seen late blows before and I think most are pretty lenient because it's in the heat of battle, but to say that you just wanted to shut him up? I'll be rooting against the clown until he retires for that.
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