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Old 07-22-2009, 02:22 PM   #63
High School Varsity
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: St. Pete, FL
I loaded my Gibbs "cupcake" team into a dynasty with several low rated CUSA teams. 6 minute quarter AA default.

My Impact player was a kicker.

I created a schedule with the first game at UF expecting to get beat 70-0. I hung tough and lost 26-14 and felt like I could compete. The next few games were against low rated teams and I won those. I could run for steady but not long gains. I could pass if I stayed in the pocket, but when I scrambled I would get run down.

I was 4-1 and thought the game might be too easy vs the CPU.
My next game was at UCFand, it may have been the game where it seemed the CPU wasn't gonna let you win. They shut down my running game. There DE wore out my LT every time I tried to pass, they would hammer me with a blitz on every third down. I got crushed 30-0 in a game that wasn't even close.

Recruiting is different. No 5 stars will even listen to me. I have been working the 3 stars and after 4 weeks of no interest the are moving me slowly up on there list.

I had an instant commit who was offered a scholly the week before. I was just hitting his most important request and when I went to hard sell I got the commit!
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