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Old 08-25-2009, 04:35 AM   #156
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Just finished The Warded Man by Peter V. Brett

For me one of the Top3 Fantasy Books iīve read that came out in the last 5 years or so.
Really good.
The setting is a world/the earth (solely humans) where there is a species called "Corelings" (not really correct as thereīs actually multiple species that are very different from each other representing natural elements like fire and water and also fight one another) that have superantural powers and great strength but can only apear on the surface at night and that basically can only be fought off using painted or carved wardings that must be arranged to protect a house, a town or just a few feet on the street. If you get it wrong or canīt get it done (or if the rain or wind washes even one sign off) you are pretty much doomed and bound to become a meal...
At one point in time humans fought back using wardings as attack symbols on weapons, but after seemingly winning the battle the knowledge got lost and then the corelings came back ...
What is special about the book that there is no main antagonist and the danger and evil part is basically being taken by animal-like creatures that seem (and are treated by most) like a natural desaster more than an enemy you can fight.
And the take on magic is great as it is basically so that there just is magic but you need to be able to have, create and craft the wardens to access it, treated more like a trade rather than a supernatural talent.
Also it is told in 3 paralell story-lines following 3 characters from child hood to early adult-hood (in the first book, theres more to come and different storylines are being introduced).
Characters are very richely detailed.

The writing is good but easy, which isnīt a bad thing at all in the setting heīs decribing.

And the ending and introduction of the actual warded man is really kick-ass, best character iīve read about in a long time.

As said itīs the first book of a series that is supposed to go to 5 books acording to the author, although thatīs not a certainty yet.
Just a little cliffhanger, nothing major, so well worth reading it despite the 2nd one only coming out next April.
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