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Old 10-05-2009, 07:36 PM   #170
Vince, Pt. II
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Somewhere More Familiar
Originally Posted by terpkristin View Post
Awhile ago, I found that the audiobooks worked much better for me than the print editions. I end up listening while on my "long cardio" days at the gym (which admittedly I'm not allowed to do a lower body cardio day until I see my surgeon again, on 10/15), while I'm in the car (like on the 90 minute drive to said doc) and while waiting for appointments (like waiting for the doc!).

For me, it's been easier to listen to than read. I can get the important parts without having to listen to every detail on each blade of grass or bit of embroidery.


I might have to pick audiobooks back up again. I used to use them for the 4 hour drive home to the Bay Area from Santa Barbara, and while I did delivery work. My commute's only 30-40 minutes, but that's still an hour to an hour a half a day, and I've REALLY been meaning to get back into cardio. That 24 Hour Fitness membership is just languishing
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