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Old 10-06-2009, 07:56 AM   #187
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Ashburn, VA
Hmm Gaiman, I really liked Anansi Boys but couldn't get into American Gods (I intend to give American Gods another chance, though, sometime "soon").

I also really liked Good Omens, the book he wrote with Terry Pratchett.

I love this thread for recommendations. Funny that Robin Hobb came up, I got Assassin's Apprentice for free on my Kindle, though I haven't had a chance to read it yet. I'm trying to get through one series at a time at the moment.

And, like Vince and the others, I re-read pretty often. This is my 3rd or 4th re-read of the WoT books (admittedly this time I'm doing it because the next one's coming out so soon). I've read the ASOIAF books 3 times. Harry Potter...well, I probably shouldn't admit how much I've read that series.

Other books on my Amazon wishlist, to get to at some point (i.e. my future reading list):
The Name of the Wind (Patrick Rothfuss)
The Book of Jhereg (Steven Brust)
Artemis Fowl (Eoin Colfer -- can't believe I never read these)
The Lies of Locke Lamora (Scott Lynch)
His Magesty's Dragon (Naomi Novik -- another free Kindle pickup at the time)
Assassin's Apprentice (Robin Hobb)
Rage of a Demon King (Raymond Feist, I've read the Riftwar Saga, the Krondor's Sons books, and am now into the Serpentwar Saga)
Fool Moon (Jim Butcher, 2nd in the Dresden Files)

I also have heard good things about Tad Williams though never read any of his stuff. Any recommendations for a good first book? I'll add it to my amazon list.

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