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Old 10-10-2009, 08:51 AM   #73
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by Suburban Rhythm View Post
Work pet peeve

People who communicate everything through email. I have a few of these in my group of 10, and noticed it's the youngest of the group. So maybe it's a confidence issue, but had this last week.

Comes over to my desk around 1:30

"I don't feel well, is it OK if I head out early?"
"Nah, go ahead...anything we need to pick up before tomorrow morning?"
"Ok, just please check in with Jim (unit mgr) first...tell him I am fine with it, I just want him to know you aren't just walking out"

2 mins later, email from this kid (he's 24), I am cc'd on-


I'm not feeling well, and leaving early. I cleared this all thru Brian. I'll be in tomorrow. Thanks.

[The thru in a work mail is another issue too]

He had to walk past Jim's office to go from my desk back to his!!!!!!

i see a valid reason for this - the email serves as documented evidence and implicit confirmation that everyone who needs to be informed has been informed.
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