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Old 05-11-2010, 07:43 PM   #289
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
As they continue, a lady in rich amber dressing walks down the path towards them. She pauses, and then snippily demands that they bow to Isodora D’Amberville. They do. She haughtily asks if they have seen Guillaume D’Amberville, and they have not. She then says that they should avoid him if they do, he’s rather arrogant towards visitors, and moves on.

They round a bend and Alzar orders an immediate halt and tells people to be quiet. He has his eyes move ahead. At a branch in the path is lying a sleeping unicorn and amber-skinned woman with long golden hair also sleeping. They are wrapped into each other, and the chick is sleeping holding a chest.

Alzar has waited his whole career for this. As a student of knowledge of poisons, he knows that the unicorn’s horn has massive power in fighting poison. Additionally, many sages have said that the alicorn is the most powerful natural item in the world. It’s power rivals some of the more powerful magic items. If Alzar can kill the unicorn and get it shorn, that would be a great find. He doesn’t know who the amber-skinned chick is. Maybe an Amber noble?

He gets everyone to back up. The men-at-arms are told to get their weapons ready and load their crossbows, but to hide way back. He tells Aleigha and Estaish to join them. This noble could get really pissy. Alzar does two things. Firstly, he quietly spends a few minutes fashioning the components of a Blastbones spell about 20 feet in front of them. He adds everything there is to add, including a few nails he pulls out of his pocket. He then grabs a skull from his bag and spends a charge to quietly sail above the two sleeping individuals.

He aims the skull with the eyes of his two aides, flying around him. He casts Skulltrap, and then drops the skull.

It lands, and deals 18 damage to both creatures. The Unicorn fails its save and dies. The maiden fails her save and well, and is pissed off

(650 XP from unicorn)

Alzar flies down in front of the blastbones to force the maiden to cross it to get to him, but instead, it does something very unexpected. It changes back into its normal shape. It is a gold dragon (young though). It has 18 hp left, an AC of -2, and many spells. It breathes chlorine gas at Alzar (immune). Dryshik Mist Balls it. It makes it save. Alzar reaches into the bag and pulls out an item he was hoping to save for another time.

The next round, Alzar wins init. He throws the javelin of lightning and it turns into lightning. It takes 26 lightning damage and there is no save for the target of a jav of lightning. The dragon drops dead.

XP – 7000 to Alzar

Alzar hacks off the unicorn horn, and orders the men at arms to skin the dragon. Aleigha is not happy with the death of a unicorn and tells Alzar. He points out that it is just a creature like any other, a pegasus or griffon or manticore – only with myth behind it, but she won’t listen, she is very upset.

Alzar tosses the skins and scales in a Bag, and straps the alicorn to his left leg, inside the pants. When touching his skin, Alzar gets +6 in saves vs poison.

The chest is nor locked, and inside is 4,000 platinum pieces. Alzar’s small bag is full of 5000 platinum, and he orders the chest filled with gold and carried.
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