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Old 05-10-2011, 02:18 PM   #170
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Review: How I Met Your Mother - Landmarks: How I hate your Zoey -

These guys have not completely lost their fastball; the arcs involving Marshall and Barney's dads was a reminder of that. But Zoey was just wrong-headed from start (Ted getting in the middle of an unhappy marriage) to finish (this).

I don't care in the slightest that Zoey wasn't the Mother. I care that she was both an unfunny character and a fairly unpleasant one, someone who was selfish and manipulative and completely destructive to the harmony of the group, and yet someone the show largely let off the hook for all of that. Even in this final episode, Robin had to couch her instructions to Ted with a "We love Zoey, but..."-style softpedal, which is nonsense. Zoey was horrible.

I guess the season finale is next week? I stick with shows loooooooooong after I should give them up, and there's a good chance I'll stick this one out as long as Neil Patrick Harris is part of the cast, but at this point I feel like How I Met Your Mother's first two seasons were two of the best and funniest in sitcom history but now its really just a giant shitpile occasionally saved by NPH.
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