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Old 08-14-2011, 08:15 AM   #5168
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Originally Posted by Draft Dodger View Post
I simply don't get skateboarders. I mean, I'm totally okay with people who want to use them as transportation. Not the choice I'd make, but I get it. But the folks who hang out at a skate park or just some random curb somewhere and spend the day doing little stunts on the board (95% of which seem to culminate in the kid falling off and the board rolling away)? Yeah, doesn't even look remotely entertaining to me.

Yes, I've never gotten the appeal. Some of the hardest, most difficult tricks to learn just look so unimpressive to those of us who don't skate. If you put that much effort into something else you could be doing backflips or dunking a basketball, but instead you're jumping two inches in the air and then clattering. Wow.
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