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Old 08-19-2011, 05:48 AM   #452
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jan 2006
The point re Gervinho is that what he did doesn't constitute "'excessive force or brutality against an opponent when not challenging for the ball'. We've seen players who have only received yellows for doing more than the weak-ass slap from Gervinho. Not sure where you get the idea that hitting in the face = suspension.

As an example, how about grabbing the neck then to kinda strangle someone? That's not suspension worthy because it's not the face? That's kinda what happened in the same fixture last year when one of the Newcastle strikers grabbed the Arsenal goalie by the neck to get the ball back and there was no punishment whatsoever.

And I really really don't think you can treat Barton's gesture as "friendly".

I agree that Barton didn't do anything to get a 3 game suspension. But for him to still be on the pitch after what he did? That's where I think there's a farce.
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