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Old 01-17-2012, 08:51 AM   #19
Join Date: Sep 2007
June's Top Hurler is Hamada
Friday, July 1st, 2146: The Continental League named the winner of the Pitcher of the Month Award.
It went to Tomiji Hamada of Noblesville Millers, who impressed the voters with a glittering 3-0 record in June.

The Noblesville star hurler made 5 starts, allowed 20 hits in 35.1 innings, struck out 24 and had a 1.27 ERA.

To date this year in 15 starts, Hamada has crafted a 4-6 mark with a 3.19 ERA.

Burnett Named Top RL Hurler
Friday, July 1st, 2146: Jon Burnett has been around the league long enough to know that relievers are often overlooked. That has never stopped him from doing what he does best -- and he did it extremely well in June and stole away with the Republic League Pitcher of the Month award.

The Bruins bullpen ace collected 1 save and 13 strikeouts in 16 innings, holding the opposition to a .109 average and posting a 0.00 ERA and a 4-0 record.

For the year, Burnett has collected 6 saves in 37 relief appearances. He has also rung up 33 strikeouts and 3 walks in 42 innings while registering a 1.71 ERA and a 4-1 won-lost mark.
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