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Old 01-21-2012, 05:27 PM   #300
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jan 2008
HEY GUYS! what's goin on in the thread?
Originally Posted by NorvTurnerOverdrive View Post
sanctimony. sanctimony everywhere.
oh drag. sounds like we need a... FUNK INTERLUDE!!!

did you guys know about this youtube thing? there's like every song ever there. and you can listen to them all. for free! i remember a few years ago when you could only list to 30 second previews. i wonder what changed?

right, so where were we? oh yeah

Originally Posted by insummary View Post dare you tell people how to run their business!
...i'll tell you what you should do...

i see what you did there. although i admit the 'if you don't like it you can leave' argument is bulletproof.

everyone's got their own narrative itt so i'll sum up my thoughts quickly because my download of breakin II: electric bugaloo is almost done.

1. i don't give a fuck about piracy. on my list of societal ills it ranks somewhere between pre-teen cosmetic surgery and steroids in women's field hockey. but please, tell me how this is important-

2. 'because it hurts people'
no, lack of opportunity hurts people. nafta. cafta and the death of fordism hurt people. the entertainment industry has been printing money for over a decade but instead of enjoying their swimming pools filled with cash they're obsessing over the maids keeping the change from the couch cushions. which leads to my next point-

3. fuck hollywood(and all media) in the ass with a rake

4. people are basically good. everyone itt admits to pirating when they were young or poor.

5. industry always resists change. don't break the internet. yada yada see the ted talk from a few pages back

6. things change. tell em bob
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