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Old 03-16-2012, 03:54 PM   #141
BYU 14
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The scorched Desert
OK, I am totally baffled. I have been following a good amount of this diet from the FOK book, adding some soy meat replacements for protein and taking a protein powder supplement since January 1st.

Since the beginning of the year I have had chicken twice, fish once and a steak once for my birthday.

I asked my doctor to order a lipid profile because I was curious about the effects and at my last physical (August) my triglycerides were on the high end of normal. I do cardio 4-5 times a week, strength training 3-4 times and Jiu Jitsu twice, so I am pretty active for a 49 yr old.

So I get a message that all my blood work was good, except my LDL which was elevated. i have never had high LDL or total cholesterol and now that I am eating healthier than ever I have high LDL, WTF? Of course they didn't leave the number on the message so I have to call monday to make an appointment, which leads me to believe it is more than just borderline.

Kind of curious what the hell happened here.

Last edited by BYU 14 : 03-16-2012 at 03:55 PM.
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