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Old 04-11-2012, 05:25 PM   #1259
Big Fo
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2005
I'm hardly claiming "victim status," just pointing out one obvious mistake and a few more debatable ones that had a big effect on the game.

Sure, we lucked out against Fulham and QPR never had a chance after that bad call early on against them (there were no controversial decisions in the Blackburn game though), imo that doesn't mean I should just shrug things off when my own team gets dicked over.

And this is a comment in general, not really a reply to anyone in here, but over the years I can't help but notice that whenever Man Utd get a favorable decision I see all the conspiracy theorists come out, read the complaints about "Fergie Time" and how he and Rooney somehow intimidate refs, etc. Then when a call goes against them, if there is a mention of it at all, people just say refs in general are bad, brush it off or seem to take joy from the errors, due to "what goes around comes around" or something like they're the only club to ever benefit from a bad call.

Compare the furor in the media and among fans to refereeing mistakes after the Fulham and QPR games to when United were robbed against Newcastle, or how upset people got after Welbeck's dive to win the PK against Chelsea in that 3-3 comeback game compared to the fact that Cahill should have seen red in the first half for a missed tackle from behind on Welbeck in the box when Cahill was the last man. I could go on but I'm not really trying for a messageboard version of the infamous Rafa Benitez "facts" press conference.

It's just kind of funny and annoying at the same time. I guess it's the result of all that winning over the last two decades.
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