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Old 04-14-2012, 06:59 PM   #3212
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD

Originally Posted by Autumn View Post
I thought Abe should know, given how much effort he put into this game, that I had a Dungeon dream last night. And you were there, and you, and you ...

I dreamt that Abe announced that Dubb had seized control of the sphere of annihilation. Most of us were in the same area of dungeon and kind of stopped to look at each other in concern. Soon, lo, Dubb appeared, a roiling orb of nothingness at his beck and call. I prepared myself, sure the do-gooder would seek out those of evil with it, but he shocked me, and us all, but using it to destroy someone else, of good persuasion.

That was a bit of a relief, but I wasn't about to wait around to see if I was next. I made a run for it, and dived out of the dungeon room, rolling, and avoiding the sphere as Dubb sent it after me.

I made a break for it, but the problem was Dubb was shooting that sphere all over the place and slowly perforating the floor. As I ran off the floor finally collapsed under everybody, revealing a long, long dark drop below it. Abe's voice boomed over us all, explaining that while Dubb had the ability to fly (?) he couldn't do so and control the sphere at the same time. The sphere dropped away, as did the rest of you, and it was only Dubb and I left.

This was an uneasy situation. We quickly encountered a monster, which we dispatched together, but the fight left me with half a hit point. I asked for Dubb to heal me, but he refused, still stuck on our alignment differences. We debated the topic heavily, moving through the dungeon as we did. I didn't dare enter any rooms or trigger any traps in my precarious situation. But in my preoccupation with arguing with Dubb about healing I did trigger something.

"It's because of this stupid mouse," I complained, revealing myself as only a player in a video game, I guess. But my step triggered a sort of holographic vision to appear in front of me. The vision was a black and white movie starring Clark Gable, of people on a ship which they proudly proclaimed was called "The Monte Cristo!"

I had no chance to breathe a sigh of relief. When the vision disappeared we were suddenly surrounded by snarling warriors, some kind of orcs it seemed at first glance. We were both totally outnumbered, but prepared for a final battle to our deaths. As I contemplated the fact that a single hit would kill me though, I decided it was worth a different try. As we both prepared to scream out our battle cry, I instead blurted out, "Welcome!"

The group suddenly relaxed, and with this cry of welcome we both realized that this was a group of elves, not orcs. And that they were waiting expectantly for something more ...

"Welcome to the Monte Cristo!" I said, and everyone rejoiced. Particularly me. We were led by the elves to a rolling land of green and blue water, a sort of elven paradise.

And there my tale ends. Dubb, I hope you have learned something from it. And Abe, that you are happy to have saturated my brain with this game to such a disturbing extent.
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