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Old 06-25-2012, 05:00 PM   #1113
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Alzar pets the dog who is wagging his tail happily and they move on. The next room Ear Ring behind a door reveals a large number of military men. There are too many for a spell such as Sleep. Right now, Alzar has the elemental of surprise, but he finds keeping it difficult. He slips back into his Speed Boots. If he can’t sneak through them, then the least he can do is smash into them. He conjures three Earth Elementals from Stones and Mud Ring, an Air Elemental from the Censor, and a Glabrezu from the Orb. It’s time to go in hot.

He has an Earth Elemental smash the door and they move in, with Alzar and his dog behind. There is a commander and 16 guards here. He orders ten of them to form a spear wall to fight a charge and the others to fight from missile range behind them. The last one runs to tell others about Alzar’s presence. He orders the elementals to focus on the spears, and chases after the runner once he orders the demon to teleport by him and stop him.

The runner is quite fast, but Alzar’s speed and the demon catch up to him and bring him down in the hallway after the room. There are two doors at the end of the hallway, and Alzar waits, and one opens with three people checking to see what the noise is about. They open the next door and order the soldiers there to come after Alzar. The glabrezu Power Word Stuns one and moves in to kill him later. Alzar is met by the elementals, who finished the fighters in the room and a badly wounded one is attacked by missile weapons from these two leaders who slay it. 25 soldiers spill into the hallway, going wall to wall across with a spear wall and missiles behind.

Alzar wins init. A skulltrap into their midst slays many of the soldiers and others move to take their place without fail. The leaders carve the demon, who also took damage from the Trap. The elementals arrive and push through the spearwall, but can’t quite make it. They are attacked and ht a few times. The war dog is slain by a trio of crossbow bolts.

They win init. They badly damage the glabby, and continue to peck at the elementals. They reciprocate by taking out more grunts and Alzar casts Sleep and drops 5. The officers order a retreat. The remaining soldiers can’t get away and are carved up, but both officers make it out and into the room the 25 soldiers came from.

Alzar runs in and the demon teleports in to face them. There is a door on the far side they are moving towards. One breaks off to protect the other and attacks the demon. Alzar casts Bands of Sirellyn on the one running and catches her. The other slays the Demon but Alzar’s axe finishes him.

The captured female won’t give him any information, so the Orb;s detect lie doesn’t do anything. He ties her up for now so that he can ESP her later if needed. It doesn’t; look like any more runners go free, so he inspects those slain.

+2 spear
950 gp
Silver Ring with Amethyst – 780 gp
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