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Old 06-27-2012, 01:35 AM   #1142
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
As Alzar investigates the room more fully, in comes a disheveled young mage who warmly greets him. This is Andrui. He tells Alzar that he was made Bigby’s apprentice just a year ago, and he didn’t have the run of the house yet. When Bigby disappeared, Andrui couldn’t get out of his room due to the Stirges, and just used the basin and larder for food and water that were created magically to survive. He is very grateful for his rescue.

They leave Bigby’s room, and most of the rest of the floor is simple stuff, but he does find the items on Bigby’s Will that were not in the other rooms in an illusionary closet. He could tell it was an illusion with his 21 intelligence.

Alzar returns to the ground floor with Andrui and pulls down spellbooks. Andrui is willed three of them by Bigby. Alzar pens through them and doesn’t need or want any of the spells. He hands the books to Andrui and in thanks, Andrui gives Alzar a scroll of the spell he made to prove to Bigby that he was worthy of being his apprentice. A few minor magical items, such as a Ring of Protection +1 were left to him that were found on the upper level and Alzar gives them to Andrui as well.

Andrui will turn this place into his new home and study.

Alzar copies Andrui’s spell into his first book and then from there into his normal spellbook. Andrui’s Baneful Backfire is a 5th level abjuration spell which triggers when a mage casts Dispel Magic at something, and it fails and the mage loses a spell of the level equal to the one tried to be dispelled. It’s a nice spell for your lair, and Alzar likes it.

The library downstairs has many books Alzar wants. He takes the study books on history, Andrui is not interested in those. Three rows of bookshelves are stuffed with books, on magical theory, spell making, enchanting, science, and astrology. Alzar agrees to give Andrui his bookcopy spell and a bunch of extra books and to copy the entire library for Alzar. He will collect it in a few months, and Andrui agrees.

Alzar collects the remaining spellbooks.

Bigby’s Great Tome, Jaluster’s Orizon, Clouds and Fog, and Universal Astronomy

Alzar will need to see if there are any protections they have over the next few days and weeks.
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