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Old 07-15-2012, 05:53 AM   #10
FOFC Survivor
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Wentzville, MO
As for married mothers, believe it or not, I talked to one on eharmony.

The trick to eharmony, I learned early on, is you have to be single in one fashion or another. If you're honest with them (or at least this was the case when I was getting divorced) and tell them you're getting divorced, they'll say, 'great, let us know when that happens', and keep you from using the site.

That's ridiculous, of course. You just create another account and list 'divorced' instead. I did. My divorce was going through in 2 weeks anyhow. It was a legal issue for me.

So about 6 months into dating again, I am matched with a young blonde from my town in South St. Louis who does daycare out of her home. She and I answer our questions over a day or two. She asks to call so I give her my number.

She calls and she seemed nice enough...but then she tells me she has to be honest about something. She then tells me she's 'not quite divorced' yet. In fact, they haven't filed.


She quickly says it's because of insurance for her son. Her dad's in the Air Force and they don't want the son to lose his insurance in the event that she remarries.

That's hogwash. I was in the Navy. I know the benefits. He's either filling her a line of crap that she just blindly believes or she's trying to fill me with that line of crap and hope I blindly believed. Either way, I wasn't buying.

I politely get off the phone as quick as I can. I logged into Eharmony. I closed the match. I filed a complaint. I never heard from her again.
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