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Old 07-26-2012, 12:06 AM   #76
Favored Bitch #1
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: homeless in NJ
I too am like Subby in almost all these ways

1. No soda.- I don't drink it a ton but if it is here I will, so my wife just doesn't let us buy it, but I find ways around that. If it was free at work I would be an addict like I used to be when it was, free at work.

2. No Starbucks.- never been a fan

3. No Convenience Stores.- I am dreadful with this. There is a gas station by my sons daycare and I go there all the time. It is to the point where the clerk knows way more about me than he should. I often find myself eating a bag of cheetos and drinking a diet coke at 7 AM.

4. No ice cream.- much like soda if it is here I will eat it. Fast.

5. No eating after 8pm.- like a lot of people with young kids after he goes to bed around 8 we unwind and watch TV. And eat like crap.

6. No staying up late.- I am incapable of doing this

7. No cookies.-One isn't enough, there is a dollar store right by work and that is a bad, bad, place.

8. No buying breakfast.- I do this a couple of times a week and it is totally unnecessary. Not only is there a kitchen in my home, but one at work as well.

9. No candy bars.- purchased often at convenience store.

10. No gorging pizza- my company is big on buying lunch for us, at least once a week we get pizza brought in. I always eat 4 slices. Because it is free.

11. No food from work kitchen.- there is a girl who works in another office who every time she has to come to my office she brings baked goods. While appreciated the problem is she is transferring to my office next month. I'm frightened.

12. No sleeping in (out of bed at 6am). I have a 2 year old, sleeping in doesn't happen.
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