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Old 09-11-2012, 08:49 AM   #21
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Tampa, FL
I definately thought about the bad combine scores, but I doubt I'll have room...and once you start wondering how shitty a combine score is, you're probably in the 5th round and people just want you to fucking pick already.

Also, I think you're argument is valid, fwiw.

Malcpow's #'s say that a 7.20 agility score can be anywhere from a 425 (below average) to 550 (above average) (not bad and not great). The the agility score makes up a large % of the GD rating (the dash making up a small%) So the GD will be in the 40-60 range and modified slightly by the dash score.

The Overated/Underrated interview results only works against your scout's margin of error and provides no ratings bump. It's designed to help you figure out if you scout is full of shit.

The combine scores are the best insight we have into true ratings.

Last edited by Dutch : 09-11-2012 at 08:49 AM.
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