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Old 12-03-2012, 06:00 PM   #229
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Raleigh, NC
Originally Posted by HeavyReign View Post
I'm surprised the vet didn't send you home with fluids to give the cat subcutaneously. Three years ago I took my older cat to the vet with similar issues at age 17. She wasn't eating much, was thin, and pretty much spent all her time laying next to the plug in heater we had. They gave her IV fluids at the vet and did blood work. They had me use the fluid set twice a day and when she was rechecked a week later her numbers were much better. She's still alive today. She goes through spells where she doesn't feel well but overall she's a very happy cat. Someone else I know had a cat with this issue as well and their vet told them that it wasn't treatable. Here is a website I found when doing research about this if you want more information:

We've seen that site. Thanks for suggesting it, though.

Unfortunately, Max is too far gone at this point. He's not really responded to the attempts at feeding or treating him. He's almost unable to walk now, and the times he's awake, he seems to be in a lot of discomfort. The inability to walk has led to a couple of accidents today because he couldn't get to a litter box. As hard as it is to do, we've finally decided to take him in to be put to sleep tomorrow. I'm facing a long night ahead in trying to help him be as comfortable as possible until then.

Thank you all for your kind words. I knew it'd be a hard day when one of our cats died, but it's still a bit surprising to find out just how hard it's been to say good-bye. (Dammit, I can't even finish this pot without tearing up. )
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