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Old 12-08-2012, 12:40 PM   #263
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
Whatever brand of eating better is your preference, here's a nutrition-based holiday challenge that has yielded pretty effective results for a number of people I have known.

The 2012 Holiday Challenge | Dr

The essentials:

For the next two months, I promise to increase the nutrient value of my diet with more G-BOMBS by eating:

At least one large salad every day

Generous amounts of cooked green vegetables, beans, onions, and mushrooms every day

Satisfy my sweet tooth with at least three fresh fruits, especially berries, every day

1-2 ounces of raw nuts and seeds each day

For the next two months, I promise to AVOID:

White flour

Sugars &
natural and artificial

Excess oil;
limit to 1 teaspoon or less per day, if any

animal products

I confess that I haven't been able to live up to the full commitment -- right now I can't shed stevia sweetener, and can't get my oils down quite that low. But I'm very pleased with the results from doing pretty well along most of the other lines.

The basic idea of nutritarian approach is to think of food in terms of what;s good divided by its calories. That means shedding all those grains, sugars, and oils that most sensible diet plans agree are net negatives. Specifics aside, it's interesting stuff.
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