Thread: Gay Marriage
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Old 01-24-2013, 10:35 AM   #126
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Great Northwest
Originally Posted by Blackadar View Post
There is no quandary. It seems that you want to adopt the term marriage for only religious ceremonies, but that's not up to you or your religion or the "significant amount of the populous". My wife and I are of two *very* different religions and we got married in a hotel (neutral ground) by a JoP, but someone who told me to my face that my marriage was invalid because it wasn't a religious ceremonly would not like the confrontation that would ensue. I'm not going to let people try to corrupt, condemn or confiscate the term "marriage" because they want it to be something within a narrow definition that isn't correct by historical or general use standards.

Thank you, this is the same exact point I was attempting to make earlier, but worded much better.
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