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Old 11-08-2013, 09:19 AM   #24
CU Tiger
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Backwoods, SC
I never got a PS3 after being a PS and PS2 fan.
This generation went to XBOX...

One thing I dislike is the cost of XBOX Live and have always heard PSN is free. Does this continue in the next generation? I am a cyber security fearist I suppose and refuse to enter a CC into a "game box" which means we buy the annual gold pass cards through retail...which means paying more than we otherwise would for a family pass etc.

Really like the current XBOX control ergonomically, so concerned to see how the redisgn works...but beyond that...

Id love to find an unbiased break down of the two, because to me right now it looks like
PS4 wins on price
PS4 wins because XBOX includes Kinect (which is of no value and minimal concern to me)
PS4 wins on free online play
XBOX wins familiarity
XBOX wins on controller

what am I missing?
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