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Old 11-09-2013, 11:23 AM   #48
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by TroyF View Post
Huh? Bad for games? Seriously?

It's probably better for games than anything that had ever previously taken place. The two consoles have pushed each other to create new and inventive ideas. I was on record above stating I wasn't likely to get one. I think now I will likely get both. For PS4, MLB the show and remote play to the Vita are massive things for me. For Xbox, the more I read about the multimedia features, the more I get excited. My wife and neices and nephews love using the kinect and it will likely become a staple in my house.

I love what they are doing and I don't think any of this is bad for games. Just my opinion.

Games are built for consoles instead of consoles being built for games. Consoles have become more cost prohibitive for game development of major titles and create artificial exclusivity.

There is nothing innovative here. They are just packaging outdated computer hardware inside a clever marketing campaign and some proprietary interface. And now they can charge for stuff that should be free because people get suckered in thinking they are on board the next big thing.

Consoles should be built to support games, not the other way around.
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