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Old 04-04-2014, 09:49 AM   #813
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Location: NYC
Originally Posted by ISiddiqui View Post
Um... no. It had nothing to do with the finale or even the final season. But it was the fact that the story itself started like 8 years before the Mother even appears on the scene. What's the point of starting the story with the date with Robin if the story isn't really about "the Gang" or simply Robin herself. And if its about "the Gang" (which would be fine), the finale maybe should have (and you may like this better) shown that when Ted was in need, Marshall, Lily, Barney, and Robin stepped up and, as Barney said in the finale, acted like family.

You can feel differently, and that's fine, but I personally started having issues with the framing device with the constant reminders of how much Ted loved Robin. Take those away and it works perfectly fine for a traditional ending.

I don't know how you can reasonably think the writers didn't botch this. Ted was in love with Robin on the morning of her wedding. She didn't love him. By the afternoon, Robin loved Ted and wanted to ditch her wedding for him. He no longer wanted her. That was shown to us months apart, in real time, for some reason. Take those out of the equation and I'm reasonably confident the reaction would be pretty different. If you followed along on the internet all year, the vast, vast majority of the audience was ridiculously fatigued by their "relationship" by this point.
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