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Old 08-15-2014, 09:48 PM   #408
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Newburgh, NY
I've had positive reactions to all the cops I've met or been stopped by, except one.

When I was in grad school in Boston, my wife (then fiancee) got terribly ill and dehydrated to the point that her hands were curling. Being a grad student, it never occurred to me to know where a hospital was located and this was before Google. I drove to what I thought was a local hospital. As I turned into the parking lot a cop lights up and I stop and wait, mostly focused on my very sick wife. I heard a knock on the window and when I turned there was a gun pointed at my head.

Luckily nothing really bad happened. The cop asked me what I was doing and I explained. When he saw my wife he told me that I was at a nursing home, not a hospital. I don't know why he stopped me and I don't know why he pulled his gun. We were in Brighton, so not a fantastic neighborhood, but full of students like my wife and I.

At the time I took it in stride, but I've wondered what might have happened if I turned quickly or spoke aggressively.
To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.. - Mr. Rogers
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