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Old 08-21-2014, 08:14 AM   #834
Join Date: Oct 2000
1) If the medical examiner said that, then what I've read/heard is wrong. Obviously, IF it can be proven the shots were from behind, it is some sort of a murder charge against the cop. Or should be.

2) In my "story" above, I'm NOT saying it was OK for the cop to put 6 rounds in the kid at 35 feet away. I'm saying if he was suffering from blurred vision, blindness due to the orbital bone injury, he may not have been thinking very clearly. Fearing for your life, vision blurred/depth perception off, addrenaline pumping. . . I'm stating a "reason" the shots may have been fired.

3) The idea that the cop was trying to hold Brown to the side of the car or trying ANY type of physical altercation from inside the police car is just beyond my scope of reason. Why would a cop intentionally put himself in a horrible position? Grabbing someone (especially someone who is much bigger than you) from inside a car gives the other individual a vast advantage in any altercation. If the cop did it, it's one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.

4) As for the police side of the story, they have done a pretty amazing job of locking down the fort on BOTH sides. The Brown witnesses came forward to the media, their testimony was not released by the cops. The video tape of the robbery was a freedom of inormation act request. There have been zero leaks from the FBI who have been out since the start of this thread.

What does that mean? I don't know. I know we haven't seen the cop, so he may look like Rocky after a fight or he may look like a male fashion model. Everything about the cop's side of events has been given through anonymous sources. I've heard one say Brown was charging and actually died about 3 feet in front of the cop.

Witnesses suck in situations like this. Forensics like CSI happen mainly in TV shows. The one great thing is eventually all of the evidence will come out. We will see the officers "injuries" We will hear the witnesses from both sides give their information. Then everyone will make their own opinions fit what they believe happened, they'll have a heated discussion about it and we will move on.

IMHO, every cop needs to be wearing a camera. All day, every day, every city. I don't care about the cost. It needs to happen.It won't make things perfect, but it will give a clearer picture than we get now. Instead of spending money on F'ing tanks, it should be spent on technology to protect both the cops and the citizens.
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