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Old 03-13-2016, 10:27 PM   #2208
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
UGH I'm so embarrassed to have to make this update, Subby gave me a bit of a nudge last week and reminded me that I needed to post, thanks for that . I have still been one week on/one week off as far as the dieting goes, but when I'm off I'm WAY OFF and eating just massive amounts of food, leading to very steady continued weight gain. I have actually gotten back up to 300 pounds so I've gained back half of the weight I lost over the last couple years. This is all after having hernia surgery in December where the doctor told me that if I gain weight post surgery I will greatly increase the chances of the surgery not working and of a new hernia developing. Since then I've gained 25 pounds, so... yeah.

Keto is still the answer for me. And I did it for 19 months straight with only one single cheat (on Thanksgiving 2014). For whatever reason over the last 7 months or so now I just can't seem to get back in the groove.

3/13/16: 306.0

So the plan is to try again (although I'm doing that constantly anyway, so that's nothing new). The differences this time is that I'm going to post here on a daily basis in an attempt for some accountability, with a couple key changes/focuses to try to get things moving the right way again.

I will check in daily and have four main things that I wlll be noting on a daily basis:

1. Did I eat low carb yesterday? This is obviously the big one. I am changing up how I eat just a little compared to all of my other attempts to get back on track. When I was in a groove on keto I *really* enjoyed intermittent fasting, eating two big meals and not really snacking any, basically eating a breakfast around noon and a dinner around 7pm and that was it. I've been trying to force that kind of thing too much when starting over, and I think its messing me up. I can't do that when I'm still getting cravings and that sort of thing. So I'm going to make more of an effort to eat a snack, if not a normal lunch, between breakfast and dinner just to keep myself from going too long w/o eating and inviting cravings... at least for the first month.

2. How much exercise did I get yesterday? I had to stop everything I was doing when I had surgery and it turns out that I love being a complete sedentary slug so I have kinda just kept doing nothing. I am not sure what I will do long term as far as weight training or anything, but I do want to get back into yoga ASAP. Right now I cannot do it. With the extra abdominal pressure I feel from the added weight (and I can definitely feel it, and it is worrying me a lot), I can't do things like Planks or many other yoga poses without feeling a huge amount of pressure on my stomach where i had surgery. So for now I my exercise plan is 100% walking, just to get moving again. Yoga and some other bodyweight exercises I will experiment with once I get back down to 270'ish.

3. What time did I fall asleep last night, and how long did I sleep? The shitty thing about this is that outside of my eating habits, things are going GREAT for me right now. I'm working more right now than I have in years, and I'm currently a contractor and am hourly. But needing to spend a lot more time working pushes my hobbies later in the evening and I get selfish (and obsessive) and play too late and get into a cycle where I'm just not sleeping enough. Last week during the work week I don't think I got more than 6 hours sleep any one night. Not enough sleep = more impacted by hunger and cravings, and I feel weaker as far as giving in to cravings. Proper sleep is such a huge key to everything. I am a night owl and that won't change, but I also work from home and don't have to get up terribly early most days. 1:30 - 9:30 is an ideal sleep schedule for me. Don't expect to see that any time soon.

4. Current weight. Duh. I like to weigh in daily. Especially early on when I will get to drop water weight as I get into ketosis.

So for Saturday:

How much exercise did I get yesterday? None
Sleep? Slept from 4:30am-11am
Weight: 306.0 this morning

It can only get better from there.

I plan to check in daily for at least 3 weeks. If I can honestly get back on track and get into a good state again with keto where I lose my cravings and start feeling comfortable with everything again then I can drop back to the normal weekly updates.

Last edited by Radii : 03-14-2016 at 09:37 AM.
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