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Old 05-02-2016, 09:11 AM   #12
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Technology(What can we use?)

As mentioned, today we begin the aspects that will have a more significant direct impact on how our story plays out. There are two major technological choices we must make to begin our journey: space-based Weapons and FTL Travel Method.

Weapons: We can begin with Projectiles(high damage, somewhat limited range, good against shields), Energy(average damage and range, good against armor), or Missiles(long range, but can be shot down by point defense). We may later research whatever kind we don't start with, but not necessarily right away due to technology choices having a significant random factor.

FTL Travel Method: The three available methods are Warp, Hyperlane, and Wormhole. We'll start with only one of these. Like the weapons, we can research the other choices(and at least one advanced method, eventually) but the impression I've gotten so far is that this is a more semi-permanent choice; we are likely to be stuck with the first choice for longer here, and it seems the more vital of the two starting tech decisions.

** Warp drives have a fairly slow interstellar speed, are expensive, and leave our ships vulnerable as they cannot act during a cooldown period after making a jump. They do have a major advantage though in that they can jump to any system within range with no restrictions.

** Hyperlanes are the 'starlane' or 'space roads' option. Interstellar speed is quite fast, but they can only travel on the routes allowed by these naturally occuring hyperlanes. This allows for the possibility that a potential enemy can fortify vital and unavoidable chokepoints.

** Wormhole travel is nearly instantaneous and has the longest range. The downside here is that a wormhole station, which can be attacked by enemies, is required. We can jump to or from any system with such a station. By way of explanation, imagine three systems Alpha Centauri, Rigel, and Deneb, and assume all are in range of each other. If we start in Alpha Centauri with a wormhole station there, we could jump to Rigel or Deneb, but would have to return to Alpha Centauri before going to the third system. A well-planned and defended network of stations is a requirement for this, but within such a network the mobility and unpredictability of our navy would be greater than any rival using the other methods. On the other hand, the need to build up the network limits how quickly we can expand.

Ship Appearance: A cosmetic decision, which will made based on species type.

Voting Options

Starting Weapon System: Projectiles, Energy, Missiles, or Random
FTL Travel Method: Warp, Hyperlane, Wormhole, or Random

Tomorrow we'll delve into our starting species ethics, which is a crucial element in the game.

Last edited by Brian Swartz : 05-02-2016 at 09:12 AM.
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