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Old 05-20-2016, 07:47 AM   #164
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
2010.02.14 -- Second energy station is up and running in Solaris Troutentis. The system has now been fully exploited.

03.24 -- Survey of Fijjon, the key chokepoint system in the area above our territory is finished. A bit of energy but mostly the one research location was found. After analyzing debris from the destruction of the Fang mining base, efforts will move on to the left, which includes a crossing to the arm inside ours towards the center of the galaxy.

04.02 -- Now with four Dorsals and three Sschlurgas -- the Dorsals have proven to be slightly superior at about 1.5% more combat effective -- the Nautilus Squadron heads out to deal with the crystalline entities in Impal Tov.

05.25 -- Battle begins in Impal Tov. Admiral SirFozzie reports that the crystals are much larger than our ships. Our weapons seem to be more accurate and of course we have the advantadge of numbers. They fire some sort of purplish missile-type projectiles at us, which while fairly inaccurate are much more powerful, a single hit sufficient to lower our shields. It also seems they have some sort of internal healing or repair mechanism allowing them to recover from damage during combat.

07.02 -- We've inflicted considerable damage on the two larger crystals, but have not destroyed any and lost our first ship. This may be a tougher battle than anticipated ...

07.09 -- One of the larger ones is down! We've named the big ones Sovereign, the somewhat smaller one Sentinel. It appears that the Sentinel can take about twice the damage of one our corvettes, the Sovereigns somewhat more.

07.24 -- A second Sovereign is down. It's all over but the shouting now.

08.07 -- The Sentinel is destroyed. In a bluish shower of particles, the battle is over and we have won, freeing Impal Tov of the alien presence and the closest potential threat to our home is now eliminated. One Sschlurga was lost, with another being built already at the spaceport at Humboldt. Three other corvettes sustained damage, one quite seriously. The Squadron returns home now for repairs, and it will need to increase it's numbers before taking on the mining drones in Wollaeus. All in all, another successful battle for Admiral SirFozzie who has yet to fail the Collective.

Meanwhile, construction of our first frontier outpost, in the Ambisia system, will begin within days ...

09.13 -- Nothing special is uncovered from the debris from the Fang mining station in Fijjon, a couple items of marginal interest to physics and engineering but that's it.

10.1 -- Upon arriving in the previously unexplored system of Pavagh, the Korgasch reports that there is an ocean planet, the first we've discovered outside of the Grasping Claw Nebula! Unforunately there are another trio of space amoebas, each roughly a combat equal to five corvettes. We will have to move on for now, but it seems a system worth keeping in mind especially since it is just a single jump from the gateway system to crossing the dark space inwards toward the galaxy core ...

For about a week now, the Nautilus Squadron has been repairing back in orbit.

10.02 -- The Kroll Star Commonwealth has apparently decided long-term co-existence is a good thing, and has established an embassy on Humboldt.

11.15 -- Fleet repairs completed.

At year's end the outpost in Ambisia is coming along slowly, almost halfway finished. The fleet is expected to be ready to take on the mining drones in Wollaeus within the next several months.
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