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Old 07-18-2016, 11:46 PM   #2586
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Decatur, GA
Originally Posted by Brian Swartz View Post
I think there's room though, to generally agree with Dr. King while at the same time not endorsing every way he went about things. We shouldn't make untouchable heroes out of virtually anyone. My issue here is that I'm basically against anything that increases polarization and antimosity towards the Other, whoever that happens to be at the moment. 'Your community' is something we need to excise. The community is globalized now. Your community should be humanity. If it's smaller that, you are marginalizing everyone you didn't include, which is the exactly the thing that we're fighting against here. This is why, for example, I no longer describe myself as a patriot. I don't want to be that close-minded and biased against people outside of their United States. My life, the lives of my family etc. are no more important than theirs and I think it's highly arrogant for me to act otherwhise.

Ridiculousness. And easy to say when one is a member of the dominant group. If you want to excise "My community", then do what SackAttack said - march in protest of police brutality as opposed to casting aspersions on those who are protesting. When no one else is taking up causes that affect your community, then asserting that they shouldn't focus on their community just guarantees the status quo disparity. It's basically just telling those people to suck it up and deal with the fact that your community won't be respected in the guise of "your community should be humanity". It basically just bullshit.

Do you think that if the black community hadn't taken up Civil Rights in the 1950s and 1960s that Jim Crow would be dismantled even today? Because I don't.
"A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages"
-Tennessee Williams

Last edited by ISiddiqui : 07-18-2016 at 11:49 PM.
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