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Old 12-02-2016, 09:13 AM   #529
Mizzou B-ball fan
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Kansas City, MO
Originally Posted by cuervo72 View Post
I think it's fine if you're not being looked to to lead. Which we generally are as the whole "leader of the free world" deal. But hey, if we don't want to do that anymore and would like these countries (or the UN!) to take the forefront in running the show...

Certainly, you make a fair argument and my post was a **wink wink** at some level. But Trump did run on a platform where basically he said that the other countries need to start making decisions (and backing up those own decisions on their own) rather than using the U.S. to prop up their stance or expecting the U.S. to fix their problems for them. I don't think that's going to change much, even if he's shaking hands and smiling in front of the cameras. I'd say Israel (and some countries with ISIS issues) is probably about the only ally outside of our continent who shouldn't be worried about any changes in support by the U.S. in a Trump administration.

As for the bad guys? Everyone is still well aware of who they are and Mr. Trump isn't going to change that with a few back rubs along the way. I'd like to see less of us sending trillions of our money overseas just to keep people happy. Trump would definitely be the candidate to do that if anyone would.
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