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Old 11-04-2017, 04:30 PM   #2
Greyfriars Bobby
College Prospect
Join Date: Sep 2013
6 August 2013

Meet the Team

Our opening match in the Division Bavaria South is tomorrow, and here's the squad I've managed to assemble.

I usually line them up in a 4-4-1-1. They are also learning a 4-4-2.

The star ratings are provided by my assistant manager, Jerome Schößler. Jerome's a 4 for Judging Player Ability and a 6 for Judging Player Potential, so you might want to take his assessments with several grains of salt. He gives every player in the team five full stars for Potential Ability.

Vladimir Hodzic (age 16; 3.0 stars) Vlad is a well-rounded young 'keeper, quick and good in the air. He could be mentally tougher.

Michael Hübner (age 16; 2.5 stars) I'd have no problem putting Michael between the posts for a big match. His positioning could use work, but he is a determined, hard-working player.

David Bienemann (age 16; 2.5 stars) David can play both center and right back. He's eager in the tackle, but has very little pace. He'll be a useful reserve.

Max Gebauer (age 17; 4.5 stars) Max is the club's captain. He is insanely athletic, with bags of pace, and tackles ferociously, despite standing only 5'3" and weighing 114 pounds. Our first team left back.

Jens Helmes (age 23; 5.0 stars) Jens is the oldest player on the roster. Aggressive and determined, he also demonstrates sound defensive awareness. Jens will probably start at center back, but he can also play on the right side.

Rico Stange (age 16; 4.0 stars) I signed Rico for his versatility. He provides coverage for the starters all across the back line. He isn't particularly strong or fast, but he's comfortable on the ball and he'll put in a shift.

Paul Uphoff (age 16; 5.0 stars) Like Rico Stange, Paul can play any position in defense. His size isn't ideal for a center half, so he might have trouble defending big forwards--but he's got great wheels. Paul is likely to start beside Jens Helmes in our central defense.

Frank Wittwer (age 17; 4.0 stars) Frank is a ruthless tackler who gives his all for the club. He's slow to anticipate what's happening on the pitch, and his marking needs work. Frank will be part of a rotation at right back.

Olaf Adam (age 17; 2.0 stars) A right winger, Olaf plays with a lot of flair. Like a lot of young wide men, he can run, but his technical skills are still works in progress. He'll be a reserve.

Michael Ahrens (age 16; 2.5 stars) I like Michael better than my assistant does. His physical attributes are nothing special, but the mental side of his game is very advanced for his age. He'll start as our number ten, playing behind the striker.

Michael Hoffmann (age 17; 5.0 stars) M-Hoff is a tenacious defensive midfielder. His decision-making is questionable, and he can lose track of the man he's marking, but he's a skillful passer with a good first touch. Michael will be a fixture in the first team.

Werner Kunze (age 16; 3.5 stars) Versatile Werner can play on either side, but he's better on the right, so we'll use him there most often. He's fast, with a relentless work ethic, and he delivers a pretty cross.

Matthias Luginger (age 16; 2.0 stars) Matthias provides cover at AMC, and if we use attacking wide midfielders, he can slot in on either side, too. He's a big lad, and we can use him as a wide target man. Like a lot of our players, he's very quick.

Matthias Martin (age 17, 2.5 stars) This Matthias is a stylish central midfielder with a good motor. His dribbling and passing skills are refined, and he sees the pitch well for a teenager. I'll pair him with Hoffmann, because their skill sets complement each other well.

Christoph Schuster (age 16, 2.0 stars) Christoph is another player I value more highly than Jerome does. His attributes are a good fit for the role I want him to play: an active wide midfielder who runs up and down his wing, delivering crosses and tracking back on defense. He'll start on the left side.

Dennis Bieler (age 16; 1.5 stars) Dennis doesn't impress my staff either. I think they're undervaluing how well he fits the Advanced Forward role I envision for him. He's big, strong, and can finish. Dennis will be part of my rotation at forward.

André Gebhart (age 16; 3.0 stars) André is a mirror image of Dennis Bieler in some ways. He has pace, which Dennis lacks, and he plays with much more panache. The rest of his game isn't as polished. Perhaps I'll use him as a super-sub when I need a goal.

Thomas Kiefer (age 16; 2.0 stars) Another pacey, flashy forward, Thomas can play the deep-lying role in a two-striker formation or lead the line as a solo front man. He'll have first shot at the number 9 shirt.

Christopher von der Weth (age 16, 1.5 stars) CVDW is an classy player, well suited to several different roles. He lacks one signature skill, but he also doesn't have a real weakness. I'll use him as a reserve, or when I play with two strikers.

We're very, very young, eager, and raw. I get the feeling most of the teams we'll play are pretty much the same way.
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