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Old 12-14-2017, 09:44 PM   #208
Join Date: Jan 2017
Originally Posted by PilotMan View Post
So fucking stupid. Nothing like 80+% opposed and it still passes.

Well, I get why people don't trust ISPs but honestly its just like a la carte. People really don't understand the business they are so eager for the government (that they don't trust, currently anyway) to regulate.

NN does not mean unlimited bandwidth to every user. Originators still (and have always) paid for their bandwidth, access to networks closer to subscribers, and on caching for better performance (depending on what they do). Sometimes that caching is provided by the this a "fastlane" or "discriminating" against those who don't cache inside major datacenters because some companies can't/won't pay for it? Well, that exists with/without NN.

Meanwhile, the very companies arguing for NN monetize us every day. The net (no pun intended) effect of net neutrality (that the tech giants care about) is that ISPs can now do the same things the Googles, Amazons, Facebooks, etc do by targeting ads to you, and become a massive force in online advertising. Of course there would be opposition to that by the tech giants.
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