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Old 02-08-2018, 09:35 AM   #86
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
Last week on Long Live The Queen, I, the 14 year old Princess just turned queen because the death of my mother, kissed a nine year old, drown, had a duchess assassinated, and got run through with a sword getting acheievments for all. Now...I challenged someone to a duel at a party for me...and he proceeded to shishkabob me.

But got the achievement anyway. Such is the life of Royalty (I so love this put points into classes to take and you can choose any of like 18 but get penalties and bonuses based on your current mood and current cute outfit you wear. So...the goal is to make it to the throne with your head still attached to its neck and there are LOTS of ways to die.

This is one of many of semi casual games that have LOTS of achievements.

Which leads me to explain my Steam categories for the process of getting achievements...

1) Achievement Hunt - These are games which I will be currently seeking specific achievements or whatever achievements I have left. These games usually have been fully played or at least partially played but going after the achievements will help me finish things.

2) Casual Games - Lots Available. Like Long Live The Queen there is an achievement for everything. Oftentimes with these games the game concept is simple, often storybased or else just pure casual game and for everything you do you get an achievement.

3) Yuk - Time to Make the Doughnuts. Games I hate/dislike and probably won't be playing much at all. Maybe I'll pop one in just to get achievements as the game/theme/gameplay just doesn't do it for me. They are not necessarily bad games persay all the time...they just turned me off for one reason or another. TOmb Raider and Bioshock Infinite are even in here.

4) Gotta Start Somewhere. Games I haven't even started yet altho I've installed some of them. Can't wait to begin.

5) Good ones...Getting there...
These games haven't made it into other categories yet as I haven't totally assessed them but I did enjoy what I've played so far yet haven't really looked at the achievement needs. And usually I haven't gotten far enough to worry about those.

6) NO ACHIEVEMENTS - These are usually old games whose companies are defunct and therefore the game went into steam yet no one is around to make achievements. Some really awesome games are in this category. And I haven't finished these games either

7) WORK COMPLETE - Games that I've completed AND gotten every achievement. This currently contains a meager 3 games.

Last edited by CrimsonFox : 02-08-2018 at 09:35 AM.
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