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Old 05-17-2018, 03:38 PM   #102
CU Tiger
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Backwoods, SC
You can send him down here to stay a few weeks.

We will let him pinball between the ditches on the back roads until he gets the hang of it.


So my son is a "car guy" we bought and restored his truck for him before he ever started driving. Got everything the way he wanted except paint. He had the money but I wouldnt let him get it painted. I said 'You are going to run it into a ditch, tree or other car in 2 months like every other kid and first car. 6 months no accidents then you can paint it.'

Hes had it 30 months so far and no issue. Got it painted that December. I get that may not work for a kid that sees a car as a convenience machine and not a work of art...but just spit balling.
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