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Old 02-22-2020, 07:58 AM   #186
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by spleen1015 View Post
I worry what will become of my marriage when my daughter goes to college. My stepson was 6 when my wife and I got married. We've never been together without kids.

Other than watching some tv shows together, we don't really have any of the same interests.

The plan is to move to Orlando when my daughter is done playing softball in college. Maybe that will give us something to do together.

My wife and I both have jobs and already do a lot of things separately. She has some friends that she does biking and running with, she sews, reads a lot whereas I am on the computer playing games, watch TV, backpack etc.

I don't see empty nester being as big of an issue as (potentially) when we are retired and are literally together 24 x 7.

I'm thinking FL (or a no state-tax state) for retirement but wasn't thinking about Orlando (too close to the tourists). Possibly St. Augustine or Tampa area. Why Orlando for you?
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