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Old 04-26-2020, 12:19 AM   #317
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: The State of Insanity
Let's see. How can I put this without putting the game down.

It's the most awesome mobile game of XCom ever.

By that I mean it's divided into bite-sized chunks, both storyline wise and mission wise.

Storyline wise: You pick one of three factions to go against, try to keep them from devastating the city in some way, and when it's done, you can research some of their technologies to take on the remaining two factions (who get more bonuses if you do their storylines 2nd or third).

For example, with my gameplay, I took out (Spoiler) first, and then when I took on (Spoiler) next, the enemies had nascent chryssalids (baby chryssalids) as well as a limited amount of the regular chryssalids. (They still suck btw).

Mission wise, it's broken up into encounters. Usually the encounter goal is beat all enemies, but sometimes it differs (capture a target, don't let enemies escape, etcetera). Before each breach, you set up your four man squad to enter into one or more locations on the map. Usually, it will be via the traditional way of an unlocked door or through the window, but some classes and items will let you enter in unusual ways. (For example, breaching charges allow you to go through a hole in the wall you blow up, a Secure door Key will allow you through a locked door, etcetera.)

Once you choose your method of entry, the breach begins, and enemies will have three statuses: Surprised, Alert, And Agressive.

Surprised: Will not move or act after you breach

Alert: After the breach round is over, the enemy may reposition (or hunker down), but won't attack.

Aggressive: After you breach, they fire back.

So the goal is to A) Take down important enemies, and B) Kill Aggressive enemies to prevent them getting good shots at you.

Once the breach round is over, your team automatically scatters to cover, and the normal rounds begin.

Unlike past XCom's, where it's IGO/UGO, generally, turns are done on a 1 character basis (generally, one of yours goes, one of theirs go). This does make the choice of targets more just "Burn down the most dangerous one".. If you see a (SPOILER) out in the open, knowing if they get a turn, not only will they shoot at you, but they will prime a self destruct to go off when they die.. you know what to shoot first.

You can monkey around the timeline a couple ways. For example, Once per MISSION (not encounter), you can use the Team UP ability to pull one of your teammates right behind your current member in the timeline. (even if they just moved). This can be very powerful if used right. If you go more than five times around the turn order, you're probably doing something wrong (other than missions where you have to take on waves of opponents).

Oh, one other thing that you may not like. Some missions are "get X and GET OUT", which means that until you evac all your people and any VIP's off the map, you will have an infinite wave of reinforcements after each round.

As I said, this game probably started life as a XCom mobile game, as the characters are voiced, but they use staid graphics to indicate who is speaking, or the director of XCOM during storyline updates.

I'm not sure how much replayability it will have other then change the order of the storylines, but it's definitely a 20-30 hour game (at least) and that's pretty good for a $20 game, and more so at the current price.
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