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Old 07-06-2020, 05:09 PM   #336
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
Originally Posted by EagleFan View Post
Telle being sketchy again. Acting like she has no idea why I questioned 118. Because it was f***ing searched before I searched it but no one came clean about it. Because every f***ing time I brought that fact up she ignored it and puts her own spin on the write up. Pretty straight forward reasons. Because she saw me go into that room to sleep.

As for me, I said it already i thought. I slept, woke up being stung up and crashed to the floor. I have nothing else to go on.

Thanks for the details, I didn't remember seeing anything like this. So you slept that night, I take it, and woke up having already been hung.

It seems weird that there is an item out there, rope, which can hang someone and yet somebody was able to use bed sheets to do the same thing. Or maybe the fact that they used sheets is why it didn't work. This suggests that yes, there are bad guys in the game, but no, they don't necessarily get a kill. Yet, they are able to make an attempt even without the equipment. And if you are asleep, even if you survive, you won't ID them. So, I wonder why they haven't tried again. I have to assume they don't have a lethal item and decided it wasn't going to work to try sheets again?
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