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Old 11-27-2021, 12:48 PM   #132
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jan 2001
Originally Posted by NobodyHere View Post
Well I gave her a "Happy Thanksgiving" text on Thursday and I got one back on Friday.

At this point I'm going to troll the local bar of "The Game*" and try to score with the losing team.

*I'm in Toledo which if you didn't know is on the border of Michigan and Ohio. But to be honest I don't know how this is rivalry since tOhio has won every recent game.

I would just get away from the texts altogether. Texts are to remind someone to pick up boxed wine on the way to your place, not a way to start up a romance.

I feel like you got stuck in the same spot because you were afraid of being rejected, but what happened was even worse, because you didn't even try. If at the very worst, you've lost someone who will text you Happy Thanksgiving the day after Thanksgiving, then you haven't lost too much.

Life is all about life experiences, and learning from them. The passive approach (Facebook / texting) is probably something to put in the "tried it / didn't work" bin. Take that and put it in the memory bank for your next opportunity. Act while that spark is still there (IMPORTANT!). When that happens, start up a new thread here, we'll give you suggestions again, and next time don't do the exact opposite of what we say!
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