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Old 03-08-2022, 03:20 PM   #420
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
So apparently Poland will transfer their Migs to the US, and then the US can get it to Ukraine. Something like 28 Migs according to Reddit.

Not sure how the transfer to Ukraine will work. Maybe we fly Migs to a US base in Europe, Ukrainian pilots go there, and fly really low to avoid detection?

National fighter jet plane laundering scheme. Need to get the Byrde's to advise here.

More info. Doesn't seem that we've agreed to it but got to believe we'll make it happen.

Poland offers MiG fighters to the U.S. as Ukraine asks for help - POLITICO
Poland’s announcement appeared to catch the Biden administration off guard. Spokespeople with the U.S. European Command and the State Department declined to comment. Victoria Nuland, undersecretary of State for political affairs, told lawmakers on Tuesday afternoon that this “was a surprise move by the Poles.”

“I saw that announcement by the government of Poland as I was literally driving here today,” she told members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “To my knowledge, it wasn’t pre-consulted with us that they planned to give these planes to us. But as you know, we have been having consultations with them for a couple of days now about this request from the Ukrainians to receive their aircraft and were they to donate them, whether we would be able to help support backfill in their own security needs.”

A Pentagon official emailed that “we’ve seen the Polish government’s announcement,” adding, “we have nothing to offer at this time.”

The airspace over Ukraine is still contested, a senior Defense Department official told reporters at the Pentagon Tuesday, with neither the Ukrainians nor the Russians owning the sky.
Poland would most likely receive used American F-16 fighter planes in return for giving up its MiG-29s.

Last edited by Edward64 : 03-08-2022 at 03:26 PM.
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