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Old 03-10-2022, 12:48 PM   #472
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2005
Originally Posted by Mota View Post
Hey everybody, what's going on with the invasion of Ukraine like the subject says?

(Slick, I see what you did there)

Basically, just from the top of my head ...

Some pretty horrific pics; a video of a Stinger taking down a Russian helicopter and it crashing; no Mig-for-F16 deal; no NATO membership anytime soon; possible fast tracked EU membership; NATO supplying a ton of anti-tank, anti-air weapons; supposedly 16k to 40k foreigners have volunteered for Ukraine's International Legion; Russians are intentionally bombing hospitals & killing civilians; the 40-60 km convoy is stuck; Kyiv is surround or about to be; Kyiv could fall anytime depending on who you ask; at least a couple Russian generals killed; India is neutral; China officially neutral (but we know better); lots of displaced refugees; accusations of Ukrainian racism in getting Africans & Indians out; fears of Russia doing something bad with the nuclear power plants they have control over; ship that took Snake Island was destroyed; some Russian soldiers calling home and also holding press briefing; McD's (and many others) out of Russia; Russian economy is cratering; Russian support for the war is still surprisingly high (but may be due to misinformation & some patriotism going on); Putin is hidden away in some bomb shelter; ruble exchange rate is like 1:130 to 1:150; Russian will stop grain exports; west won't be importing Russian oil (but think, will still be importing Russian gas); MOEX stock exchange for the most part closed; oligarchs have some toys taken away; Ukrainians are really suffering; common Russian folks will start really suffering; negotiations have broken off without much result

Zelenskyy will be relected President for rest of his life (if Ukraine survives); Putin will be relected President for rest of his life if he survives; Xi will be relected Premier for rest of his life; odds are that Biden won't be reelected in 2024
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