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Old 04-23-2022, 01:13 PM   #186
Coffee Warlord
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Colorado Springs
In my son's baseball league, there's a ... ahem ... special coach we've run into every season for the last 3 years. She tries to rules lawyer everything, screams across the diamond for any who dares do anything wrong, etc, etc etc. Bear in mind, this is a rec league for kids, many of whom are learning the game. The league stresses every year, "this is an instructional league". I've had kids every year who've never played baseball at any level.

I came SO close to losing my temper with her during our game with them last year. She was on a tirade about how one of our players who made it to second dared step off the bag early pre-pitch (no leads at this level), and should be out. Note the kid wasn't trying to lead off, he just maybe took a half step off. I tried to be nice, and just replied, "Okay, I'll talk to him about it after the inning." Just would not leave it alone until I literally shouted across the diamond, "Can we just let the kid hit now?" There were a lot more colorful words I was very close to using.

Of course this was the one game the entire year where the umpires were no-shows, so we were policing ourselves. I'd talked to the umps in later games (it was almost always the same crew doing our games) and to nobody's surprise, she was a whining shrew to them as well.

The kids on their own last season nicknamed her Coach Karen.

edit: This was the same woman who, in a prior season, had a ton of no-shows for our game with 'em. Had I think 6 or 7 in the field. We let her daughter play, who was about 4 years older than the kids, and at first, we were very conservative on the base paths, so it wouldn't be an utter slaughter. That year, there was an unwritten rule among coaches that we weren't sending kids more than 1 extra base on an error. These were like 2nd - 3rd graders. We weren't even doing that this game, since they were so short-handed. She repaid us by being hyper aggressive and sending kids around the bases on everything.

Last edited by Coffee Warlord : 04-23-2022 at 01:23 PM.
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